Tuesday, May 4, 2010

fake grass

Baseball has a very unique relationship with its players. The relationship between the players is also different from everything else. It makes me wish girls could play. But I'm guessing they would ruin it. I like the idea behind being able to go out on the field and get away for a couple hours. And just play catch. In the sun. And roll around in the grass when it was over.
In English we had to write about Holden from The Catcher in the Rye. We focused on one scene were Holden plays catch with his friends in the twilight. Included in the prompt was a piece about Freud and his grandson. His grandson made up a game similar to catch in order to cope with his mother leaving him during the day to go to work. It was very interesting to think about why people are attracted to the things they are.
Why do the boys play baseball? What have they lost? What is their story? Learning little things like that makes me want to learn everyones story and how they have learned to deal with it.
Then there is my desire to play. I think that rather than dealing with the pain, I desire the comraderie.

1 comment:

  1. Wonder if they cropped out a slide from the brand new bathroom to the private backyard. Slides are very attractive features for our new woo-hoo EV demographic. And might go explain the rental price tag for this dump.
    Seattle artificial turf
